🐋Smart daily limits

You can only accumulate a limited number of tokens every 12 hours in your wallet. You can sell what you have bought at any time, which allows swing trading, and you can always safely claim the rewards of your islands. However, you will have to wait 12 hours in case you want to transfer or sell more than the limited amount. This has been implemented so no one can buy a significant part of the supply at launch or sell a substantial amount of rewards at the same time.

The limits are:

  • 59,523 incoming transfers & buys every 12 hours

  • 5,952 selling / outgoing transfers every 12 hours + your initial investments

  • 2% of the total supply per wallet (if the supply is 5,000,000 $LAND, the maximum per wallet will be 100,000 $LAND)

Regarding the maximum quantity of tokens in a wallet, you can always claim your rewards as usual but if your wallet exceeds the limit amount, you won't be able to receive incoming transfers or buy more $LAND from this wallet.

This means that:

  1. Anyone who buys any amount of coins can always freely sell them

  2. Movements to liquidity are also subject to the same limitations on transfers

A maximum of 125 Islands may be stored in a wallet. Once this number reached, you won't be able to compound or claim with your wallet anymore. In this case, we advise you to create a second wallet.

Last updated